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About This Blog

August 29th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

A few weeks ago, you would have found an old personal webpage at this place. I wrote previous webpage code myself when I was learning Ruby but I decided to switch to WordPress which is easier for maintenance and has some cool features.

In this blog, I will write about my current work, ideas, opinions and hobbies. Most posts will be IT-related and I will also try to write some educational posts for beginners as well as experienced developers (for example most common mistakes in C++ or where and how to find useful information on various topics).

Most topics probably won’t be too long, something like extended tweets because I find Twitter too restrictive for most of topics I want to write about. Here I can also more easily include pictures and photos, links and other stuff.

I will try to make as little mistakes as possible, but I am not a native speaker (my mother language is Czech, a really weird language). This blog should also help me to improve English so I am looking forward to writing it.

I hope you will find this blog interesting as well.

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