About Me

I began working as an app developer for Windows when I was 11.
Later, I shifted to game development, where I worked on iOS games (Moontakers, Polar Fishing, Plague Inc) and iOS tweaks (OctopusKeyboard, SpeakEvents, AssistantExtensions,…) for jailbroken phones.
Now I mostly manage servers and Kubernetes clusters, as well as write apps that are hosted there. My current work focuses primarily on backend development in Go and frontend development in Vue.js.
Every day, I am learning new things and looking forward to new challenges.
I like having the freedom to do what I want when and how I want without having to deal with corporate nonsense. Programming and IT are important aspects of my life.
Why K3A?
It should have been Kea, but kea.me domain was not available and k3a looks good as well. It should be pronounced the same way as kea bird (see youtube). And why Kea? Because I love nature of New Zealand, culture, clean air and I am even considering moving there in the future.
- E-Mail:
(don’t use for support requests! GPG Key 0x036C1F00FE65B108)
- Telegram: @kiminari
- Twitter: @k3a_me (don’t use for support requests!)
Here is a bait for spambots – email s.pamT.rapDoNotUse@k3a.me (do not use this email! I won’t be able to read it, use the mentioned above, please).
I thoroughly enjoy Plague Inc.
I also much appreciated the message to game sniffers! :p
I changed the names of the genes to my friends names that fit them perfectly, because we all love your game! :)
Many thanks for the fun time!
Same here, really love the game and laughed at the HI_GAME_SNIFFER.nfo file! :)
Forgot to mention there are also smilies in some game files
Thanks – I am glad you like it. Hehe, smileys are there on purpose – to mark a file as encrypted. What would be a better “header” than a smiley. ;) Just a side note – I would like to allow players to modify game data files and have fun but unfortunately some players used this to modify the difficulty and then send scores to scoreboards – which is unfair – so we had to encrypt them (which partly solves this problem)…
I completely understand.
I disabled Game Center, and when I mess around with files I make sure that my WiFi is disabled. I don’t know how game center works but I would hate for some kids (or anybody really) who worked hard on a game to see there effort get invalidated by someone who can basically open a text file and modify some values.